Indian Footballer Dies From Spinal Injury After His Somersault Goal Celebration Goes Horribly Wrong

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Twenty-three year old Mizoram player Peter Biaksangzuala was on top of the world after having scored an equaliser for Bethlehem Vengthlang FC against Chanmari West FC. His acrobatic celebration in the 62nd minute proved catastrophic as Biaksangzuala broke his spine.


He was rushed to Aizwal Civil Hospital and subsequently moved to the Intensive Care Unit. After battling for five days, Biaksangzuala passed away on Sunday. 

As a mark of respect to Biaksangzuala, his club has retired his jersey No. 21.

Credit: indiatimes


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.